Dr. Pasos is a Pediatric & Pregnancy Certified Chiropractor.

Dear Mom to Be,
Congratulations on entering a very exciting time of your life. We have a host of information available to you. Whether this is your first pregnancy or your fifth, you’re in for a lot of excitement. Specialized pre-natal chiropractic care can enable you to experience the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth without unnecessary and dangerous medical interventions. Like many women, you may have questions about the safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy. It is not only safe but it is highly beneficial to both mom and baby. Did you know that it has been reported that women who receive pre-natal chiropractic care can have a 50% shorter labor? What a great side effect!! When was the last time you heard something good about a side effect? In chiropractic, we hear about good side effects everyday. Also, reports show that the need for medical intervention during labor greatly decreases in women who have pre-natal chiropractic care. For women who are carrying a breech baby (that’s when the baby’s feet or rear end are facing down) or transverse baby (that’s when the baby is lying on its side), chiropractic care can help them to avoid an invasive cesarean section. The Webster technique is extremely successful in enabling a baby to turn to the normal head down position. This is a special chiropractic technique that focuses attention on the spinal and pelvic alignment of the mother to be. It is NOT a medical treatment such as an external version.
Pregnancy chiropractic is the practice of the chiropractic art, science and philosophy as it pertains to the care of pregnant women. A doctor who specializes in pregnancy chiropractic should have vast personal and professional experience with pregnancy.
Post-partum chiropractic care is also a must to ensure pre-pregnancy status is achieved. Correcting subluxations within the spine and pelvis are very important considerations to achieve and maintain your optimal health potential. Schedule your chiropractic appointment as soon as possible after delivery. In many new moms we see what we like to call "Nursing Neck" not a technical term, but if you have had a baby recently, you know that you just can't stop gazing at the new little blessing while you nurse and that can cause subluxations or tight muscles in the neck area.
You are absolutly welcome and encouraged to bring your baby along for your visit as well. We encourage you to have your baby checked for subluxations as well. Often the first subluxation is due to the birth process. Should you have any questions, I am always happy to answer them.
I look forward to helping you reach a greater state of health during your pregnancy and following delivery.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Tricia J. Nolan-Pasos, D.C., FICPA